Flor del Rio


Anna Mae Salazar has worked and lived on her farm in Velarde, New Mexico for nearly 40 years.

Flor del Rio received the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market Institute’s “Farmer All Star” award in 2012.

Anna Mae found her passion for farming and working the land when she married into her husband’s family as a young girl of 20, Anna Mae was able to learn from her mother-in-law and cultivate this new-found joy in farming, turning it into something long-lasting and rewarding.

Her children helped her out for many years but as time has passed they’ve all gone their different directions, leaving Anna Mae and her husband to work the farm together.

Though some of her main crops include stone fruits, green chile and cut flowers, her real passion lies in her crafted decorations, she proudly claims, “Decorations are my main thing, my work has gone all over the world, from Japan to Argentina to Canada.”